601 754 472 | 601 808 824 biuro@eksi.pl


EKSI Finance is one of the very few, if not the only, Polish consulting company that can boast of many years of experience in providing services to companies in the defense industry in Poland. EKSI consultants are the authors of the first concept of consolidation of companies in the defense industry in Poland, which initiated changes in this sector.

The defense industry market in Poland includes about 100 companies producing products, services or trading for the needs of state security and defense, and as many companies as cooperating. These enterprises differ significantly in terms of their production profile and size (from very small family businesses with a turnover of several million zlotys to Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa, a holding company that achieved revenues of almost PLN 6 billion in 2020). Most of the aforementioned companies are production enterprises, some of them conduct service activities (renovation or mixed with production). A few companies are exclusively trading. Research and development centers and scientific institutes also operate under the aforementioned entities.

In recent years, the role of private enterprises has increased, some of which have become strategic partners for both PGZ companies and directly for the Polish Armed Forces.

Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa – the industrial base of the Polish defense

In 2013, a new company was established, which was to continue and finalize the consolidation process of the Polish defense industry started within the BUMAR Group. Through a series of capital operations, PGZ currently includes over 50 companies operating for all types of Polish troops. In addition to the current supply of weapons and armaments, PGZ conducts a number of development and modernization programs, in line with the defense strategy of the Republic of Poland. Regardless of this, the holding company is still struggling with problems that often result from the history of its plants, the history of which often dates back to the interwar period. The biggest challenge for PGZ is to complete the reorganization of the capital group and improve the condition of enterprises through the development of new technologies and cooperation with research centers.

International armaments programs, in which PGZ should participate both as a potential producer / supplier, but also as an entity responsible for creating new technical solutions and new technologies, remain a chance for a quick modernization of the Polish defense industry.