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E-mail: wojciech.gorecki@eksi.pl

When you decide to cooperate with us, you choose an experienced team of specialists who, together with you, will prepare a thorough strategic analysis of the company – a document that is fundamental from the point of view of making long-term decisions and a development strategy based on it.

The result of our work will be knowledge and tools necessary to consciously shape the organization’s strategy and make the right business decisions. We offer our clients active participation and assistance in transforming plans into actions, supervising their implementation and verifying their effects, in a word – formulation and implementation of the company’s development strategy.

We also offer efficient implementation of the restructuring process together with our clients, both at the stage of developing a restructuring plan for the necessary remedial actions and at the stage of further implementation works.


    • Conducting an analysis and determining the strategic position of the enterprise.
    • Diagnosis of causes and preparation of a plan of restructuring activities.
    • The company’s strategy and support in the process of its implementation.

Strategic analysis

Strategic analysis is part of the conscious shaping of the organization. Conducting a reliable strategic analysis of the company allows you to make the right decisions from the point of view of long-term success of your business. An organization operating without structured knowledge of its interior and surroundings can be effective, often even over a longer period of time. Most often, the end of a good streak is marked by one or several changes that were not foreseen, not noticed early enough and remained without response when the company still had the resources necessary to counteract it on its own.

Our activities in the field of strategic analysis of enterprises include:

    • analysis of the macro-environment, e.g. using the PEST (EL) methodology;
    • microenvironmental analysis, e.g. based on Porter’s 5 force analysis;
    • interior analysis according to business areas (e.g. in a functional arrangement);
    • summative analysis, e.g. SWOT;
    • for determining the strategic position: portfolio analysis (BCG matrix) including product life cycle analysis, McKinsey matrix (assessment of sector attractiveness and competitive position), or SPACE analysis.

When you decide to cooperate with us, you choose an experienced team of specialists who, together with you, will prepare this basic, from the point of view of making long-term decisions, document. The result of our work will be knowledge and tools necessary for the conscious shaping of the organization.

Due to its primary character in relation to the strategy, strategic analysis rarely appears as an independent project. It serves primarily as a tool that provides information and conclusions necessary to build a company’s strategy or its elements, e.g. a business model.

Company strategy

The role of the strategy is to organize all activities and implemented projects in accordance with the set goal, and then organize them maintaining the hierarchy of importance. A well-prepared strategy is a stable foundation for long-term business success.
We develop a strategy for our clients on the basis of a jointly prepared strategic analysis of the company:

    • formulation of the company’s vision and determination of the overarching goal of its further operation;
    • developing a mission in terms of marketing for the internal needs of the organization and for the purposes of communication with the market;
    • defining strategic directions of the organization’s development along with the target business model;
    • formulation of sub-goals and strategic projects – based on the identified Key Success Factors;
    • building a control system and assessing the pace and effectiveness of strategy implementation;
    • preparation of a financial plan for the implementation of the strategy along with a sensitivity analysis and assessment of the impact of individual risks on the organization’s development opportunities.

Knowing that the implementation of any plan is much more difficult than its preparation, we offer our clients active participation and assistance in transforming plans into actions, supervising their implementation and updating.

Our goal is to efficiently guide your organization through the restructuring process, both at the stage of developing a restructuring plan and at the stage of further implementation activities.

Restructuring is a process of changes that is so profound and important for the further functioning of the enterprise that it is worth entrusting its implementation to professionals who have a broader view and appropriate experience. The essence of restructuring is not only to identify the causes of the current situation and to propose actions aimed at its recovery, but also to identify and obtain resources necessary to carry out this process.

The restructuring plan prepared by EKSI experts covers all important areas of the company’s operation, such as:

    • ownership / capital area,
    • area of ​​operational activity (technical and technological aspects as well as sales and marketing aspects),
    • economic and financial area,
    • employment and property area,
    • the area of ​​organization and communication.

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