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As a professional team of advisers with knowledge of economic and financial as well as technical and organizational nature, we comprehensively support our clients in planned and implemented investment processes.

We offer professional support at every stage of the investment process – from verifying the reasonableness and feasibility of the investment idea, through the preparation of a business plan, obtaining financing, to supervision over the implementation and verification of the benefits of the investment.
Investors deciding to use our services can count on professional support also in aspects from the borderline of economic and technical consulting, environmental consulting, etc.

Verification of the feasibility and profitability of the investment

Making the right investment decision is possible only in the case of a reliable and professionally prepared market analysis and the investment project itself. That is why it is so important to entrust such a study to proven and experienced specialists.
In order to verify the reasonableness of the implementation of an investment “idea”, two analyzes are usually performed (in a more or less formalized manner): a preliminary feasibility study (PFS) and a feasibility study (SWI / FS).

While the initial analysis (PFS) is aimed at general verification of the adopted business assumptions and economic and technical possibilities of investment implementation (based on generally available data and materials), and its purpose is to make a decision about the sense of further analyzes, the appropriate feasibility study should already take into account approx. 90-95% of data and information necessary for the implementation of the project. And on its basis, investment decisions are made.

In order to make a good investment decision, it is also necessary to determine the profitability and effectiveness of a given project. The profitability analysis prepared by us takes into account all expenses related to the implementation of the project and the expected revenues generated due. The effectiveness of investments is measured by indicators such as the rate of return, BEP (breakeven point), NPV (net present value) and IRR (internal rate of return), and then their values are confronted with the investor’s expectations.

A business plan, on the other hand, is a possibly detailed plan of activities aimed at the implementation of an investment project. It should already take into account such elements as, for example, detailed work schedules, persons responsible for individual tasks and budgets.

In practice, the boundaries between the above-mentioned analyzes blur – a well-prepared preliminary analysis of a business case may already be a pre-feasibility study, and a thoroughly prepared feasibility study may practically not differ from a business plan. However, the most important thing is that these analyzes fulfill their task, i.e. allow to make an informed business decision and / or constitute the basis for obtaining external financing.

Investment financing

The right choice of financing sources often determines the ultimate success of the entire project.

We offer our clients professional assistance at the stage of building the project financing structure, selecting optimal sources, as well as in the process of obtaining funds, e.g. by taking out a loan or leasing, gaining a strategic or financial investor, as well as other forms of debt, equity or mixed nature. We also have experience enabling comprehensive advisory services in obtaining preferential financing from various institutions (including National and Provincial Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management – NFOŚiGW/WFOŚiGW, Industrial Development Agency – ARP, Polish Development Fund – PFR, banking sector, etc.) and subsidies from various aid programs of the European Union.

Our services, aimed at both enterprises and public institutions, include:

    • identification of the client’s investment needs;
    • identifying possible sources of financing (returnable and non-returnable) appropriate to the type of beneficiary, type of investment and their preferred structure;
    • preparation of documentation necessary to apply for funds;
    • advisory at the stage of applying for funds, including assistance in the process of evaluation of application documentation, negotiations with institutions regarding the parameters of the financing granted and its security;
    • advice during the implementation of the investment in order to avoid possible errors and mistakes that may hinder the settlement of the project with financing institutions;
    • servicing the entire project until the investment is completed and the received funds are fully settled / returned.

Support in investment implementation

Thanks to the combination of economic, technical and organizational knowledge with the ability to build a wide team of advisors, we can comprehensively support investment processes carried out by our clients. Investors deciding to use our services can count on professional support also in aspects from the borderline of economic and technical consulting.

The consulting services we provide include (for example and are not limited to):

    • assistance in choosing the optimal production / service technology;
    • preparation of inquiries for suppliers of machines and technologies and evaluation of the offers received;
    • preparation of tender procedures in situations required by law, including assumptions for the Specification of Essential Terms of the Order;
    • support in selecting the General Contractor and acting as the Substitute Investor;
    • negotiations with suppliers of machines, technologies as well as construction and assembly services;
    • assistance in the preparation and completion of the necessary investment documentation, including all kinds of applications to administration and other institutions.

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